6 ways to get your teeth and body back into shape
Many of us dream of having the dream combination: a great figure and a Hollywood smile. While we might not be able to look like Cameron Diaz or Ben Affleck, it is possible to make some improvements. Looking after your smile and health are both great ways of cultivating a good wellness practice.
Brush twice a day
It may sound basic, but many people skip on their oral hygiene. Brushing twice a day (with an electric toothbrush for a better clean) is the best way to protect your teeth from decay. It also reminds you to establish a routine, which will only benefit you in the long-run.
Get informed diet help
One of the best ways to stay in shape is to get expert, informed diet help. Fad diets aren’t easy to stick to, and nor are they proven to work. Instead, by taking a measured, gentle approach you will see yourself losing extra weight without taking drastic measures. Visiting a diet clinic is a structured way of approaching weight loss. Experienced clinics such as those by HealthyStepsMD, will provide the assistance you need to succeed.
Visit a hygienist
If you don’t want to go through the procedure of cosmetic whitening, but would like to see a marked improvement on your teeth, then a hygienist is the best approach to take. Hygienists can provide advice on how to improve your brushing and flossing technique, just like a dentist. Meanwhile, you will have any excess plaque or tartar removed; boosting your oral healthcare regime.
Limit sugary foods
The benefits of limiting sugary foods is two-fold: you will reduce your risk of cavities and also improve your diet in general. While ice creams, soda, and pop-tarts are lovely treats to enjoy on the odd occasion, there are not something to be indulged in on a regular basis. Opting for whole foods that haven’t been enhanced with sweetness and sugar is a much healthier alternative.
Stay active
Staying active doesn’t mean you have to pump iron at the gym every other day. Instead, going for walks, cycling and making the most of the outdoors could help you to improve your physical health. Staying physically active is also great for boosting your mental health; which in turn will help you to live a much more fulfilling and proactive life.
Don’t rely on supplements
The jury is out on this one: you shouldn’t be relying on supplements to stay in shape. The reason for this is simple: a balanced and healthy diet does not need any form of nutritional boost. The only exception to this is if you are vegan, are low in vitamins as a result of a poor diet or live in a cold country and might be lacking in Vitamin D. Otherwise, you are unlikely to need supplements – just eat well instead.
Staying healthy and in shape needn’t be a challenging task. Instead, it’s a wise move to maintain a balanced diet and establish a routine for your oral hygiene.
Category: Health