Business and Politics
7 Productive Apps Every Small Business Owner Should Know

As a small business owner you may feel like you don’t have enough support and as a result, yourself and your staff are less productive and more disorganised than they should be. However at the same time you aren’t in a position to pay anyone at the moment to give you that extra support. If […]
Offline Marketing: Why It’s Still So Important For Small Businesses

As everything has started to move online and smartphones have put the Internet in our pockets and allowed us access to it 24/7 you may think that this is the only place you need to be directing your marketing. But you would be wrong! It is true that in recent years as digital has grown […]
12 Ways Your Garden Can Save your Money
Take a look at the infographic below that shows 12 ways your garden can save you money. Provided by Bakker Spalding Garden Company
Is your website losing you business? 6 reasons why users get turned off

Are you concerned that your website is no longer up to scratch? Symptoms that it is not performing as well as it should might include falling levels of traffic, high bounce rates, low search engine rankings, and low conversion rates. If you’re experiencing any of these, then it could be that your site needs […]
The effects of globalisation on marketing

Globalisation has changed the way that business is conducted and, as a result, marketing has had to adapt to meet the circumstances of the modern age. Campaigns now need to take into account the fact that many companies operate across national boundaries and have to cater for markets across different continents and time zones. In […]
Why Financial Literacy is Important at Any Stage of your Life

When you have financial literacy, you have the ability to manage your finances in a way which enables you to plan and build a financially secure future. There are several reports which show that young people are not as financially literate as they should be and also that men seem to be ahead of women, […]
More regulations facing Payday lenders

With the new FCA regulations coming into force in January of this year now it would seem things may get even tougher for payday lenders with the industry’s advertising standards being addressed and new guidance being published. It would seem the payday loan industry is never far away from a headline and the latest story […]
What graduates should know before starting the job hunt

You have graduated university and it’s time to start the job search. You are not alone though. Along with you there are thousands of university students graduating this summer. So there is likely to be a number of candidates for every available job and this is where you need to make sure you prepare for […]
How Free Conferencing Benefits Public Sector?

While it might be nice to think that the expenses for folks working in the public sector will be taken care of, that’s not always the case. As anyone who’s worked before in the public sector is well-aware there are several perks to jobs at the NHS for example but also many obligations. One […]