4 Of The Biggest Concerns When Selling A Home, And How To Overcome Them

| May 13, 2016 | 0 Comments


Selling your home is an understandably daunting prospect for many homeowners. Whether you’re upgrading, downsizing, moving away to pastures new or simply cashing in, it’s vital to get this right and make the most from your home as an investment.

Here’s our guide to some of the most common concerns facing sellers – and what to do to ease the burden…

Taking too long

Selling a house can take an awful long time and that can put your life plans on hold. While the average house sale takes about 65 days many can stretch out much longer, leaving you with a long period of uncertainty.

However, if time is of the essence, you needn’t sit and pray for cash house buyers to just emerge out of the ether. Online companies now offer a 24-hour quote and seven-day sale to wrap the process up swiftly.

The price isn’t right

How much is your house worth? Clearly you want to get as much money as possible but pricing your property too high will only serve to put off would-be buyers.

Striking a balance is tough, but tools are available online to help. Zoopla offers an instant estimate of what your property is worth and you’re also able to look at what your neighbours’ homes are priced at and/or sold for. All of this means that, with a few clicks, you’ll know the rough ‘going rate’ for your home.

Getting value for your asset

Of course, it’s one thing to know what your house is worth, but quite another to get an offer for that amount. Many homebuyers fear they will end up being forced to accept an offer well below the price they set, with this coming out as the top concern in a recent study reported by Property Wire.

How do you stop this from happening? Partly this is about getting the price right in the first place, as we stated above. It’s also about having a negotiation strategy. Whatever price you set, make sure it’s not the bare minimum you’d accept. Build in some wriggle room and have a confidential figure that you’d be happy with, maybe even 5-10% below the asking price.

Wooing buyers

If you price your home properly then you should attract interest. The next step, however, is to convert someone from simply looking at your property to making a serious offer.

Obviously this isn’t entirely in your control, but you can help. Make sure your home is presentable when it comes to viewings. Put your clutter away, fix any niggling problems and maybe even decorate or dress rooms in a more neutral manner so that people will be able to visualise how they will use them.

Also, make yourself available to show people around, answer their questions and arrange viewings at the best possible time for them.

You can take a lot of stress out of the process of selling your house. Set the price at the right level, have a strategy for negotiation, stage your home well or, if it suits, cut the time and hassle completely through an online seller.



Category: Local News and Sport

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