Oral Health in the UK: Are we Being Responsible?

The UK has seen great strides in improving oral health in the past decade. But how does our oral health measure overall and what can we do to improve it? We break it down below. London residents spend the most money on oral hygiene: a total of £306 per year, an average of £25.53 per […]
What’s it Like Working as an Anesthesiologist?

Working in the field of healthcare is an admirable goal for anyone to have. The desire to help other people is a natural one, but there are relatively few people who are cut out for the responsibility, skills, and knowledge that are required to work in a frontline medical role directly with patients. While all […]
What are we so Afraid of?

“Hide.” (CC BY 2.0) by avocadogirlfriend Whoever you might be, there’s a good chance that you’re afraid of something (statistically, it’s more likely to be two things) so you’re far from alone if sleeping in the bath is preferable to sharing a room with a spider. Given how common and debilitating phobias are, the obvious question is why […]
How to Choose a Hospital

Choosing a hospital best suited for you and your loved ones can be a difficult decision to make. When faced with an emergency, an ambulance assists the patient by arriving to the nearest available hospital, but when deciding which hospital will best meet your needs and demands in the long run, certain aspects should be […]
Do you know what’s in your food?

Do you really know what’s in your food and the effect it has on your body? Provided by Fysiqal Nutrition
What will happen to the e-cig market in 2016?

In order to reduce tobacco usage across the continent, particularly among young people, the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) was launched back in 2001. But despite the fact electronic cigarettes do not contain this harmful substance, they were added to the same directive as a tobacco related product in 2014. As a result, a new […]
Top Mental Health Challenges Facing Students

Introduction It is without a doubt that college life can be tough considering classwork and personal life. It’s demanding nature can be mentally straining and is for this reason that the current statistics concerning altered the mental health of many college students is very alarming, for example; one in every four students have a diagnosable […]
Technology in medicine – five advances that have changed the way we look after ourselves

The development of self-diagnostic tools, the growth of the internet and breakthroughs in microbiology are just a few of the ways in which medicine is advancing, thanks to new technology. We understand our health far better than any preceding generations, and here are five advances that have contributed to this change. The rise of the […]
Three ways to beat the afternoon slump

Even with a pot full of coffee and the best of intentions, the afternoon slump seems to be an inevitable barrier to productivity in the lives of most office workers. It can be difficult to get out of this slump, but with a few adjustments to your day, you could find a way to avoid […]
Tips to combat the winter blues

It’s December and winter is truly upon us. Although we’ve been lucky with the mild temperatures so far, it’s inevitably going to get colder and more miserable now. Come January, and springtime will feel a long way off. With the darker days and colder weather, it’s not surprising that so many of us get an […]