How technology is shaping the jobs of the future

| January 18, 2016 | 0 Comments


As technology evolves, it is having a huge impact on how employers approach their everyday processes, approach to recruitment and product offering. The advancements in technology also mean there are a whole new breed of jobs available to keep up with all the changes; who would have thought that a job such as a social media expert would now be in existence?

One of the biggest ways in which technology has changed the most in the jobs market is through the recruitment process. Companies are now contacting and connecting with people on a whole new level. Below are some ways in which these changes have helped employers and job seekers:

A fast and easy application process
Making the application process as quick and simple for the candidate is a top priority. Today’s job seekers know their worth and are more than aware of the competitive landscape. Gone are the days of handwritten covering letters; if the application process for call centre jobs is far too long and complicated or an employer takes too long to respond, they’ll quickly move on to apply for another role. Tablets, smartphones and laptops all make it easy now to search for new openings so if you don’t have a mobile route for candidates to apply, you’re falling behind.

It’s all about social
According to Ad Week, 92% of recruiters are using social media to find high-quality candidates. The recent study by Jobvite revealed that 87 per cent are using LinkedIn, 55 per cent are using Facebook, and 47 per cent are using Twitter. The benefits are two-fold; recruiters gain better targeting, immediate response time, a wider reach and low costs, while job seekers have easy access to thousands of jobs daily, a simple application process and can also easily be scouted if their profiles are relevant and up to date.

Online brand is important
A candidate will evaluate your brand before they decide they want to work for you, which is why your online presence is so important. They’ll be researching you as much as you’re researching them, so it’s important that your website is up to date, engaging and has a strong section about company culture and recruitment. Whether you’re recruiting or not, your website should really reflect your brand and feature everything from your company history, culture, mission and values to recent news and awards.

Video interviewing
With advancements in video technology, recruiters don’t necessarily need to meet a candidate in person to get the interview process started. According to Career Builder, about 60 per cent of companies currently use video interviews as part of their recruitment process. Nearly three-quarters (74 per cent) of hiring managers and 60 per cent of recruiters say video interviews make their jobs easier. Sometimes an in-person interview just isn’t feasible and software such as Facetime or Skype can really help in these situations.

Video technology is also highly beneficial in everyday business, being effective for meetings and conference calls for companies that have multiple office locations and need to interact with one another.


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Category: Sci Tech

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