Tips for Starting an Environmentally-Friendly Business

| September 4, 2019 | 0 Comments

wind farm

There are millions of businesses in the world and they all serve different purposes. However, some give more to than the environment than they take and some vice versa. Seeing as most businesses rely on one natural resource or another to operate, it could be argued that they all have an obligation to operate in a sustainable way. With that being said, customers are often more inclined to support and buy from businesses that care about the environment, so it may be a good idea to do so. If you’re starting a business soon and want to be sure that it’s going to be environmentally friendly, then continue reading.

Use Green Vendors

When you’re starting a business, one of the first things you’ll be looking for is suppliers or vendors. This could be to help supply you with materials to make your products or simply to provide your business with office supplies. When choosing vendors, go the extra mile to shortlist ones that make their products sustainably. You can find out what their sustainability practices are when you interview them.

Choose to go Paperless

As a new business, it’s easy to get caught up in paperwork, contracts, and employee training handbooks. However, the unnecessary and excessive use of paper contributes to deforestation. There are several measures you can take to go paperless and one would be to request your bills be sent by email or uploaded to your online accounts where possible. You could also send and receive all invoices digitally instead of getting paper prints. Other ways you could go paperless are through switching to digital receipts and moving to paperless meetings.

Prioritize Recycling

As a business with a physical office, you are likely to consume things and produce waste. How you handle this waste will be the difference between an environmentally friendly business and one that isn’t. Put a system in place that will ensure all waste is discarded appropriately. If you have cardboard or plastics, you can buy vertical baler wire and bundle the items neatly before having them sent for recycling.

Conserve Energy

The amount of energy that you consume can affect the environment just as much as physical waste can. When operating your business, be mindful of how you use your energy and think of ways to cut down. One way to do so would be to purchase energy-efficient office equipment. Check to see that they are ENERGY STAR-rated before purchasing. Make a decision to get energy-efficient bulbs, as this will save energy and keep your electricity down. Also, get sensor lights so that the lights will automatically turn off when not in use.

Promote Reusable Items

If you ban things like plastics that can only be used once in the office, you can reduce plastic waste. Encourage employees to use reusable items like bamboo coffee cups or metal water bottles. Some office supplies are also reusable such as binders, paper clips, folders, and boxes. By doing so, your business will be making a conscious effort to reduce the amount of waste you produce.


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