Parenting a Teen: A Guide

| January 9, 2020 | 0 Comments

If your child is at the end of infancy and is growing up frighteningly fast, then you may be bracing yourself for their teenage years. This is never easy, as it’s never entirely clear when the dramatic temper and personality changes will start to happen. One benefit, though, is that you will see your small person transform into a small adult, capable of holding intelligent conversation and learning to stand on their own two feet. 

Don’t Clamp Down, Do Set Boundaries

Being reasonable but firm as a parent is key to earning your teenager’s respect. It can be tempting, particularly if you’re worried about them being unruly, to impose loads of restrictions on them. This can be counterproductive: teenagers that are fenced in by endless lists of ‘don’ts’ will want to rebel, if not now then later in life. Set clear boundaries that remind them that you are ultimately the one who sets the rules in the home. Having a set time they must be home by in the evenings and specific hours within which they must do school work are two good starting places to work from. 

Be Prepared for Challenging Times 

As your child turns into a small adult, they will inevitably be exposed to more challenging life circumstances. They may come up against some personal struggles, or they may even fall into the wrong crowd every now and then. It’s important that you don’t blame yourself if this happens, and instead find the right support for them. Support centres such as Ignite Teen Treatment can be reached out to if you feel you need an extra line of help when it comes to combatting bigger issues such as addiction. 

Don’t Hold Grudges 

It may be that your teenager makes some pretty insensitive remarks, or perhaps even some very offensive statements. These can be shocking, particularly as they are coming from your own child, but it is important to remember that acting out isn’t always their fault. It will likely be due to a result of turbulent hormones, conflicts at school and with their friends, and a whole range of other issues that come with growing up. 

Instead, your best bet is to enjoy those moments when they are calm and not temperamental. Reward those moments of familial bliss by walking into town for a coffee, or doing something enjoyable. Remember: they are still your child, and they may still want to spend time with their parents in a way that is supportive and fun. Of course, there may be some more conflicts on the horizon, but it will only benefit you both to embrace the moments when you are on the same page emotionally. 

Parenting a teenager isn’t always easy, particularly if they are experiencing behavioural problems. However, it still possible to enjoy spending time with them and also work on emotional difficulties. Even if they are experiencing a phase of their life that is particularly challenging, you can still harness the days wherein you get along and can spend some quality time together.


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