The science of picking the right bed for you

| September 2, 2013 | 0 Comments


There are clear correlations between your mattress type and how you sleep. This much we know. Science backs this up through studies regarding bed firmness and back pain, for example. There is also plenty of evidence to show that a good night’s sleep is one of the most important factors in maintaining your health, wellbeing and mood.

Sleeping on the wrong kind of mattress can increase back pain in people who suffer and can also make overall aches and pains much worse. There is no exact scientific formula behind choosing the correct mattress as it is extremely subjective. But researchers have come up with some useful guidelines that can help.

There is no specific mattress for back problems so it is a matter of research and working out what suits you. If you don’t suffer from back problems it’s still important to find a mattress that properly supports your joints and body, regulates your body heat and makes you comfortable at night.

It’s important to remember that many other factors can contribute to a bad night’s sleep or increased aches and pains, including sleep apnea, medication side effects, poor sleep patterns, alcohol and caffeine among others. Even the best mattress for you won’t solve everything, but it will help you manage your sleep better.

The only time your spine muscles and ligaments properly relax is while you are sleeping. Sleeping is also key to the body’s natural repair and recovery procedure. As well as the mattress type you can help yourself by sleeping in certain positions. For example, if you have lower back pain, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees gives the optimum position to alleviate stress and pain as your spine is allowed to completely relax.

A firm mattress gives more support to your spine. It’s important to find a mattress that supports your spine all the way along and basically keeps it in the same position as it’s in when you’re standing. However, for some people with tender joints a firm mattress can cause pain at certain pressure points, like the hips. Anyone who has hip problems should opt for a memory foam or less firm mattress. Similarly, people who tend to sleep on their sides may find they ache in the hip area from a firm mattress.

The best way to choose your mattress is to try out as many as you can. Visit superstores and lie down – yes, really! Try and lie down for at least 10 minutes and shift positions. Similarly, in hotel rooms or friend’s houses, if you find yourself sleeping on a mattress that feels great, find out the make (just examine the label) and brand. When you have this information hop online to somewhere like Bedstar UK, an online bed specialist that stocks every brand and type of bed and mattress you can think of, all at very low prices. They also have advice and information here,, to help you choose the best.

There are two parts to a mattress in simple terms – the coils or springs that provide the support and the comfort provided by the padding on top. In general terms, the more coils and the thicker the padding, the more high quality (and therefore likely more expensive) the mattress is. However, this doesn’t mean this is always the best choice for you – you need to work out what you need from your bed and mattress and select accordingly.



Photo credit: Editor B

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