The 4 Main Benefits of Business Recycling

In the past decade, people around the globe have become more conscious on the impact humanity and industry has had on the environment. From activism to organizations and global conferences, there’s a clear movement pushing for increasing environmental efforts, and this pressure has impacted businesses as well.
We are now seeing a pushback by customers on businesses to improve their environmental records. With that said, recycling offers an important move toward reducing the negative impact a business has on the environment, one which customers will appreciate.
To understand the importance of business recycling, we break down its 4 main benefits:
1) Environmental impact
The biggest impact recycling can have is directly related to the environment and this too should be the main priority and goal above all others. After all, even if a company is looking to comply with the social demands of its customer base, if it doesn’t prioritize reducing environmental impact as its main objective, the intention will feel superficial or limited.
In the end, recycling business waste of all types will have a significant impact on the environment. Rather than be sent to a landfill to be forever polluting the land and causing carbon emissions, the waste can be repurposed.
It also reduces the need for production of materials overall. Recyclable waste can be broken down into usable materials, thus reducing the demand for finite materials. As an added benefit, when there is less production, there is also less waste.
2) Financial impact
Some companies incorrectly assume that recycling will come at a large financial cost, but surprisingly for most small businesses, it’s a potential money-saver.
For starters, it will reduce waste management costs. In the UK, businesses are legally required to dispose of waste in a responsible way. By recycling business waste, a business saves on sending it to landfills, which reduces landfill tax rates and waste disposal fees.
These taxes tend to increase per year in order to encourage businesses to recycle, so year-to-year, costs will go up by failing to recycle.
Some companies even offer free services to make recycling easier and affordable for small businesses. For example, the Cuttingtools Recycling service provides a free recycling box and free shipping for the recycling of worn tools.
In addition, non-recyclable waste produced by a business does not require a large capacity waste collection service nor frequent pick-up, so this will reduce overall waste management costs.
3) Cultural impact
There are numerous ways to take advantage of recycling efforts for cultural impact.
Internally, this can offer a positive change to the company culture. It can boost employees’ morale by being part of a positive movement of environmentalism and to feel part of a combined effort among all staff. There can even be creative activities or competitions to make the process more enjoyable.
Externally, it can do wonders for improving the company’s reputation with clients. Clients will appreciate the fact that their money goes to an environmentally-conscious business. It can help with HR efforts as well as potential employees may feel the same way.
4) Hygienic impact
A practical benefit, especially in an office environment, is the added cleanliness brought by a business recycling system.
Having multiple office bins for different types of waste helps reduce the over-flowing of bins and bad smells. A smelly environment is not a good work environment, so employees will enjoy this improvement in the workplace.
Category: Business and Politics